Guide to Government Rebates and Incentives for Heat Pump Hot Water Systems

Last updated May 9, 2024

Guide to Government Rebates and Incentives for Heat Pump Hot Water Systems - MyHeatPumpQuotes

When considering the installation of a heat pump system, it’s crucial to explore the range of government rebates and incentives available. These financial aids can significantly reduce the initial costs and make the transition to energy-efficient technologies more accessible and appealing. This section provides an overview of why these incentives are important and how they help make heat pump systems both more affordable and sustainable.

Government rebates and incentives are designed to encourage homeowners to invest in energy-efficient technologies like heat pump systems. By offering financial assistance, these programs aim to offset the higher upfront costs associated with green technology, which can often be a barrier for many households. These incentives not only make it economically feasible for more people to upgrade to more efficient systems but also promote a broader adoption of sustainable practices.

Heat pump systems are known for their efficiency and ability to reduce long-term energy costs. However, the initial investment can be substantial where  government incentives can help:


Lower Upfront Costs

Rebates directly reduce the purchase price, while tax incentives can provide savings when filing annual tax returns. For example, a rebate program might cover 30% of the cost of a new heat pump system, directly reducing the amount you need to pay out of pocket.


Financing Options

Some programs offer low-interest financing solutions making it easier to manage the costs through affordable monthly payments instead of a significant one-time expenditure.

By facilitating the adoption of heat pumps, these incentives also support environmental sustainability:


Reduced Carbon Footprint

Heat pumps are more energy-efficient than traditional heating and cooling systems and rely on electricity rather than fossil fuels. This shift helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and decreases a household’s carbon footprint.


Increased Energy Efficiency

In Australia, the federal government offers significant incentives for the installation of energy-efficient systems like heat pumps through the Small-scale Technology Certificate (STC) program. This initiative is part of the Renewable Energy Target (RET), designed to encourage the adoption of renewable energy sources across the nation. Here’s an overview of how STCs work and a guide on how you can qualify and apply for these incentives.

In Australia, the federal government offers significant incentives for the installation of energy-efficient systems like heat pumps through the Small-scale Technology Certificate (STC) program. This initiative is part of the Renewable Energy Target (RET), designed to encourage the adoption of renewable energy sources across the nation. Here’s an overview of how STCs work and a guide on how you can qualify and apply for these incentives.


Overview of Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs)

Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) are a tradable commodity that you earn when you install an eligible system like a heat pump. Each STC represents a certain amount of electricity production or reduction in electricity use. The number of STCs created varies depending on the energy-efficiency of your system and the climate region of your installation.

STCs Value

STC value fluctuates based on the market supply & demand. Homeowners can sell their STCs to recoup a portion of the cost of purchasing and installing their heat pump system. This effectively reduces the upfront cost and enhances the affordability of opting for a sustainable heating solution.


How to Qualify for STCs

Qualifying for STCs involves installing an eligible heat pump system that meets specific standards and efficiency criteria:

Eligible Systems:

Your heat pump must be certified for compliance with Australian standards and listed on the Clean Energy Council or the Australian Government’s approved product list.

Installation Requirements:

The installation must be completed by a qualified and licensed technician. This ensures that the system is installed correctly and operates at its optimum efficiency, which is a requirement for the STC program.


How to Apply for STCs

The process of claiming STCs can be managed by your heat pump system supplier or installer, but it’s good to understand the steps involved:

Documentation and Calculation:

The installer will typically handle the creation of STCs, which involves documenting the installation and calculating the number of STCs the system is eligible for based on its expected performance and location.

Assigning STCs:

You can choose to assign your STCs to an agent (usually the installer or retailer) in exchange for a discount on the purchase and installation cost. This discount is often applied upfront, reducing the initial financial outlay.

Registration and Trade:

The assigned STCs are then registered and sold on the open market, where energy retailers and other large polluters purchase them to meet their renewable energy obligations.

Across Australia, various state governments offer unique incentives to encourage homeowners to install energy-efficient heat pump systems. These incentives are designed to reduce the financial burden of upgrading to greener technologies and to foster a move towards more sustainable energy solutions. Here is a comprehensive breakdown of the incentives available in each state and territory:



In Victoria, residents can access the Solar Homes Program, which offers rebates for the installation of solar hot water systems, including heat pumps. Eligible households can receive a rebate to help cover the cost of the system and installation.

Eligibility Criteria

Homeowners must meet certain income and property valuation caps.

Application Process

Applicants need to get a quote from a qualified installer who can then assist in completing the online application through the Solar Victoria Portal.


Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) Program

The VEU program enables Victorian households and businesses to access discounted energy-saving products and services through accredited providers. This includes significant discounts on the purchase and installation of energy-efficient hot water systems, such as heat pumps.

Eligibility Criteria

The VEU program is available to all Victorian residents, and the specific eligibility for discounts on heat pump systems vary depending on your existing hot water.

Application Process

VEU discount is generally offered to you as point of sale discount and then the installer will claim the VEECs post installation.


New South Wales

New South Wales offers a range of incentives through various programs aimed at increasing the energy efficiency of homes. The Energy Savings Scheme. provides discounts similar to VEU program in Victoria to homeowners for the installation of heat pumps.

Eligibility Criteria

The program is available to homeowners iwho have an inefficient gas or electric hot water units.

Application Process

Homeowners need to choose an approved supplier and installer who will guide them through the application process.



Queensland does not have specific state-funded incentives for heat pumps, residents can still benefit from federal STC incentives.

Application Process

STC Incentive is generally provided as point of sale discount by the installer.


South Australia

In South Australia, the Retailer Energy Efficiency Scheme (REES) offers incentives to homeowners to install high-efficiency water heating systems, including heat pumps.

Eligibility Criteria

The scheme is available to all South Australian residents but often focuses on low-income or energy-disadvantaged households.

Application Process

Homeowners can contact an approved REES provider to assess eligibility and facilitate the installation and rebate process.


Western Australia

Queensland does not have specific state-funded incentives for heat pumps, residents can still benefit from federal STC incentives.

Application Process

STC Incentive is generally provided as point of sale discount by the installer.



Tasmania provides support through initiatives like the Energy Saver Loan Scheme, which offers interest-free loans for the purchase of energy-efficient products, including heat pumps.

Eligibility Criteria

Available to both households and small businesses in Tasmania.

Application Process

Interested parties should apply through participating financial institutions detailed on the Tasmanian Government website.


Northern Territory

Northern Territiry does not have specific state-funded incentives for heat pumps, residents can still benefit from federal STC incentives.

Application Process

STC Incentive is generally provided as point of sale discount by the installer.

Each state and territory in Australia offers various incentives that make installing a heat pump system more attractive and financially feasible. These programs not only reduce the upfront costs associated with purchasing and installing these systems but also support the government’s broader goals of reducing energy consumption and minimizing environmental impact.

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